There are two aspects you need to mitigate: loading the bolt (requires 1 hand, free action) and pulling the lever (requires 1 hand, move action). I don't know about feats, but I have looked around for dual wielding crossbow stuff.

Manyshot doesn't work with Crossbows by RAW, and it doesn't really make any sense either loading multiple bolts into the crossbow at once is nigh' impossible and if you do manage, it's more like to cause a malfunction than extra damage. On the other hand, Artificer's abilities hit the very core of making a Crossbow efficient adding lots of enhancements to it and using buff spells to boost the attack ability. It's a real pity to give up 4 levels of Crafting Reserves and all that for Fighter-feats are you sure you want to do it? The best reason I can come up with is going for Ranged Weapon Mastery, but that's really efficient only for dual-wielding Crossbow Archer builds.

Ghostly Reload -spell, which you'd have access to as an Artificer quite easily). Great Crossbow and Repeating Heavy Crossbow are exceptions to that idea, of course they're fairly efficient at what they do and especially Great Crossbow kicks ass if you can get free reloading for it (with e.g. I personally find dualwielding crossbows to be the way to go using one generally doesn't add that much to the overall effect. While the bonuses to damage aren't full, they aren't negligible either and getting the added To Hit can be valuable. That means that you need to focus on Dexterity and Dexterity alone. Unfortunately, Repeating Light Crossbow is pretty much the worst out of the bunch unless you plan on akimbo them (very feat intensive, and even then, there're better options) I suggest either using a Repeating Heavy Crossbow to get more bang for your buck, or a standard Light Crossbow with Rapid Reload-feat (the better option overall).īasically, Crossbow Sniper is the feat that makes using Crossbows worth it. The Crossbow-section is actually one of the very few things up in the Archery Handbook. Mastery in place of Manyshot for his improved combat style at 6th level. Special: A fighter may select Crossbow Mastery as one of his fighter bonus feats. Reloading a crossbow for the type of crossbow you chose when you took Rapid Reload no longer provokes
You can fire a crossbow as many times in a full attack action as you could attack if you were Prerequisites: Dex 15, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shotīenefit: The time required for you to reload any type of crossbow is reduced to a free action, regardless of the You can load crossbows with blinding speed and even fire them in melee with little fear of reprisal. There is a 3rd party feat from Paizo that allows you to apply a lot of feats to a crossbow that would otherwise apply only to bows. The Great (?) Crossbow from RoS is pretty nice, and the Gnomish Crossbow Sight from A&E is also pretty good. Crossbows are generally very inferior to (composite) longbows, but a fairly heavy investment in feats and items can make them worthwhile.