That was a description, on a website called TV Tropes, which can be found on the Internet.īeing one is often the cause of this reaction: You Can Talk? Obviously. Note that you can click on the words in blue, and they will take you to a new article. A Lampshade Hanging occurs when something that is obvious to us, but should go unnoticed by the characters, is noticed by the characters. In the case of a Captain Obvious, a character notes something that is self-evident to the characters as well as to the audience (us). Incidentally, do not confuse this trope with Lampshade Hanging. It can also overlap with Non-Answer if the answer is self-evident and clearly not what the questioner wanted to know. This trope sometimes overlaps with Mathematician's Answer and Circular Reasoning, when Captain Obvious is stating the obvious to be a smartass or to avoid giving a more helpful answer to a question. Slightly justified if everybody else is Captain Oblivious.

It Makes Sense in Context is what fans will say when other people bring it up. Sometimes, may be demoted to Commander Contrarian, a commander who disagrees. Not to be confused with Captain Oblivious. Can very often be an Understatement as well. Contrast Comically and Dramatically Missing the Point. See also As You Know, Exactly What It Says on the Tin, Narrating the Obvious, Shaped Like Itself, Department of Redundancy Department, Captain Obvious Aesop, Captain Obvious Reveal. (That is, it sounds really obvious once you hear it, but you'd be surprised at what some people don't find obvious.) In other cases, somebody has to be Captain Obvious because more than one person has been Lieutenant Oblivious. This can be because he doesn't know that it should be obvious, and/or because he's just realized what was obvious to everyone else. In some cases, this is justified because Captain Obvious is also The Ditz, or so puzzled by something that he can't help but state, well, the obvious.

This means that his statements are self-evident. In other words, Captain Obvious states the obvious. After saying anything, another character might state "Gee, you think?" Or if someone's attempt at humor was disrupted, they might say " Don't Explain the Joke!" Most of the time, whatever he has to say should already be obvious-both to the viewers and to any other character with half a brain. but there's something wrong with his exposition. You just read the quote and are reading this now. We are describing Captain Obvious here, on a trope page. Barry Burton handing Jill acid rounds for a grenade launcher, Resident Evil